Flash Marketing Blog
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Unlocking Opportunities: Can brand extensions work for your business?
Brand extensions are an effective way to grow your business without starting from scratch. But beware. There are risks and pitfalls! Read about the failures & successes.
Redesigning your business logo: the pros and cons
When it comes to redesigning your business logo, you need to consider the potential benefits and risks. A successful logo redesign can breathe new life into your brand – or confuse your audience.
What’s the difference between a logo design and a brand?
A great logo helps people recognise your company, its products and services. But a logo is just one part of what it takes to build an effective brand.
6 steps to effective Facebook advertising
Does Facebook advertising still offer value, especially for small businesses? Still one of the world’s biggest social media platforms, it’s still worth a look!
Can AI replace the human touch in your marketing communications?
AI platforms like ChatGPT promise to save us time and make communicating with our customers easier. We look at the pros and cons for small businesses.
The pros and cons of using stock photos versus original photography
Original stock photos can make or break your marketing. A poor stock image can damage your brand or simply not attract the attention you need. Find out why original stock photos can help build your business. Authentic commercial photography can make or break our marketing communications.
Why ad hoc marketing doesn’t work
When your business is ticking along, it’s easy to forget to keep up your business’s marketing activities. After all, if things are going well, they’ll probably continue to do so, right? Wrong!
How to beat your fear of social media
There’s no doubt that social media has become an essential tool in the marketing toolkit. Over 3.6 million people are using social media worldwide.
But when it comes to working out a social media strategy, many small business owners struggle. Why?